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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

8 Ways To Change Your Life And Become The Person You Want To Be

8 Ways To Change Your Life And Become The Person You Want To Be

Ever felt that sudden, motivating boost of confidence to try and completely change your life around? 

The excitement of it all leads you down a steep rabbit hole filled with lists, planners, trackers, and vision boards filled with the prettiest images. 

…But is that all? 

Did you actually muster up the courage to start that business idea you had engraved in your mind… like… forever?

Did you actually take the steps necessary to save enough money to go on that solo trip to Greece that you pinky promised yourself in the summer? 

I did not.

I lost focus, procrastinated, felt an intense urge to be immensely productive, and then I drained myself out. Since then, I’ve learned.

So now it’s time to start with a blank canvas and hopefully, this blog post will equip you with the things you need to become the person you’ve always wanted to be, the person you aspire to be like, and basically your own version of what it means to be that girl.

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You’ve heard it before but it needs to be said again - Change Your Mindset!

Most things in life, especially things with value, are hardly ever just handed over to the average person. 

Working for what we want is essential in curating a lifestyle that we desire. 

This shouldn’t be a depressing thought, but one that is uplifting and inspiring especially when you recognize that the way you approach your journey to success, is somewhat correlative to the way you think and respond to setbacks. 

Positive thinking with action will of course lead to better results.


#1 No More Being The Onlooker Of Another Person’s Life

Sometimes it’s extremely hard to ignore the things that other people are doing with their life. 

It gets even more difficult to pay attention to ourselves and our own lives when another person we know, is doing amazingly well in the thing we are striving to achieve also. 

We get so caught up in the metrics of others that we lose focus of what actually matters to us and completely dismiss any progress we might have made. 

Start buckling up and take the driving seat of your own car. Turn inspiration into motivation and simply focus on your own growth. 


#2 Stop With The Self Sabotage

Keep yourself accountable when it comes to the things you truly want to achieve

Acknowledge that, whether you decide to keep growing or retrieve from achieving your dreams, life still goes on and the people around you will still continue with their lives as well.   

Become your biggest supporter. Be the cheerleader and the motivational speaker you need to inspire you to continue on your path. 

Stop with the self-inflicting, negative thoughts making you feel as if you’re an imposter and that the dreams you have are too far gone. 


#3 Don’t Take The First Steps In Doubt

If you’ve finally decided to make the intentional decision to start that project or that new journey, do it with the belief that you will be successful. 

The early stages of doing something new are where we tend to be the most excited and ready to see where our efforts will take us.  

Taking those first steps in doubt can potentially hinder you from reaching the places you saw yourself blooming. 

There’s a difference between assessing the possibility of something happening and just being full-on doubtful that it just won’t happen for you. 

Don’t be unfair and dismiss yourself without even giving it your all. You deserve to shoot your shot without being held back. 


#4 Accept Those Feelings Of Nervousness And Anxiousness And Move On 

As I’ve mentioned before, nothing is wrong with assessing the possibilities of reaching your goals. 

This is actually a very smart thing to do as we are then able to find better alternative ways to reach what we are keen to obtain. 

So just like before, make sure to give yourself a clean, fair shot.

Don’t let those normal feelings of nervousness and anxiousness block you from unlocking your full potential…and this is something that I’m trying to skillfully master as well. 


‘People Will Stare, Make It Worth Their While’ - Harry Winston

There are a number of ways I interpret and try to understand this beautiful quote. 

For the longest time, this quote only resonated with me when it came to physical appearance and beauty, but now it means so much more. 

Now I see it as: 

  • Pushing forward even when you’re told to be realistic

  • Proving others wrong

  • Sticking to your commitments especially when you know others are watching

  • Getting back up even when you’re expected to stay down.

  • And lastly, to focus on yourself 

Start putting steps in place to level up your life

For example: 

#6 Travelling 

Travelling is almost always associated with the good life. It’s the dream aesthetic full of luxury and success. 

If you find that travelling to different destinations appeals to you, then take the necessary steps to get there. 

Promise yourself that lifestyle and show yourself how serious you are by creating a new income stream,  maybe learning a new language, or by getting a research journal for yourself. 


#7 Saving Up To Treat Yourself To Things That Are Refined, Lavish, And Luxurious

Apart from bettering myself mentally, and reconstructing my mindset into something positive and growthful, the next best thing I think of is financial growth and investing in myself physically. 


Luxury is not something that is accessible to everyone and that is true. But luxury doesn’t always have to be things that are bought with money. Time itself is luxury. 

Not everyone has the time to squeeze in a morning workout, or to go to a cafe and write, or perform the simple act of painting over your nails to keep your appearance on point.   

There are a lot out there who just don’t have - or won’t take the time, to enjoy the art and beauty of a morning routine or a night routine.


#8 Finding Pleasure In The Slow Tempo Of Your Life

Not everything has to be so fast pace. 

It can be annoying at first spending months and eventually years designing a life that you’ve always dreamt of. 

Find ways to romanticize and enjoy the slow tempo of your journey. 

Enjoy the insignificant details and the bland moments of your life

Find enjoyment when you’re getting ready in the morning, doing your skincare, applying your makeup, watching a childhood show, talking to friends and distant family members, and even when you’re eating a packet of noodles :)

Simply enjoy it!


Recap of how to change your life and start becoming your dream self:

  1. No more being the onlooker of another person’s life

  2. Stop with the self-sabotage

  3. Don’t take the first steps in doubt

  4. Accept the feelings of nervousness and anxiousness and move on

    • remember to keep pushing forward even when you’re told to stop and be more realistic

    • remember to focus on yourself, proving others wrong

    • remember to stick to your commitments

    • and remember to get back up even when you’re expected to stay down

  5. Start putting steps in place to level up your life


Well, That’s It, Folks

What did you think? Are you ready to design and transform your life for the better? What steps will you take to make this happen?

Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and leave a comment down below for more posts on feminine beauty, self-care and, self-development that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. See ya :)

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