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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

How To Bounce Back With Grace And Start Romanticising Your Life

How To Bounce Back With Grace And Start Romanticising Your Life

Finding yourself going through that period of life where things just seem unfixable and unchangeable is simply a devastating part of the journey that we must somehow overcome. 

It can be quite the task to bounce back from negative situations and prevent the memories from negatively impacting our present chapter, which is why Improving the way we live our daily lives and building up our characters, is so essential. 

So in this blogpost, I’ve decided to gather a few great ways you can ultimately become the best version of yourself and start romanticizing your life after facing tough challenges. 

Let’s Dive In :)

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#1 Enjoy Silence 

I have always found it pretty interesting how the way you portray yourself affects the way others view you and your overall character. 

The way that you dress, the things you’ve achieved, the places you choose to go and the way you speak, all result in a subconscious image being formed inside the minds of people you have encountered. 

Appreciating silence and having a quiet spirit does open your eyes and ears to those small, tiny details occurring around you.

You begin to know yourself on an entirely different level, setting boundaries for yourself and for others to follow. 

Doing this can sometimes leave people confused and puzzled because your silence and your joy for silence are often mistaken for shyness, perhaps being seen as too serious, and unapproachable. 


#2 Not Everything Has To Be So Fast Pace

Living every day as if it was your last doesn’t necessarily mean doing everything under the sun and filling up your today list with a bucket load of activities you’ve always wanted to do. 

Sometimes, living your life to its fullest is about being purposeful, yet not being extremely strict with the way you use the time you have. 

Slowing down and taking foot-size or even baby-size steps to accomplish something specific not only drastically help you in reaching your fullest potential, but also makes you appreciate the goodness of life even more. 

Stress, comparison, and jealousy have a direct way of stealing your joy and your ability to experience joy and sprinkle joy onto others. 

Stay in your lane, look ahead rather than side to side or behind you, and learn to take things one step at a time because one way or another, your time will come.


#3 You Don’t Have To Constantly Fake It Till You Make It

I find that faking your confidence in a new, temporary environment works better and is quite effective rather than faking your confidence in an environment that requires regular attendance from you such as your school and workplace. 

I just personally feel that faking your confidence at semi long-term places, such as high school or even university, can trick you into thinking that you’ve become confident overall when the truth is that you’ve just learned to adapt to that particular environment very well. 

When you finally graduate and switch environments, you might possibly find yourself lacking the confidence and self-esteem you’ve previously obtained, meaning that you’ll have to start all over from scratch, spending so much time becoming secure and adapting to that new environment. 

A better thing to do is to learn true confidence, find comfort in yourself, and frequently go to places by yourself.

Start with the library then maybe a bowling club. 

It’s definitely better to fake confidence in a place that you won’t be present for too long like when it comes to grocery shopping or a bus ride.

This is because faking confidence long term could make you feel even more self-conscious, uncomfortable, and simply out of your element.

Learn true confidence!

Related: 8 Things Every Girl Should Do To Become Attractive And Confident


#4 Don’t You Dare Start Neglecting The Things You  Love

It’s always good to take a break. 

And a good thought-out break will leave you feeling fully refreshed, motivated and structured. 

Taking some well-needed time off shouldn’t exactly turn you away from your goals or make you lose interest in your hobbies.

It should give you rest and make you feel prepared to tackle those tasks again.

Neglecting hobbies such as playing the piano, writing, and singing in order to prioritize studying for exams has left me feeling quite drained out and pretty unhappy, to say the least. 

Currently, I’ve been really trying to find a healthy balance between the two.


I’ll keep on thinking that life’s a pain when truthfully, I have the power to change that for myself.   


#5 Just 5 Simple Things To Start Romanticising Your Life:

  1. Try going to certain places on your own (the gym, the library, window shopping, the cinema…)

  2. Go outside and get tuned in with nature

  3. Build a morning routine that will reflect your mood for the rest of the day (7 Cute Ways To Make Your Morning Routine More Girly And Luxurious)

  4. Start Journaling. It doesn’t have to be a literary masterpiece :) My personal journal is mostly filled up with lists and colours. 

  5. Create a playlist to accompany you through most of the day (cleaning playlist, travelling playlist, morning playlist, night routine playlist etc.)


#6 Know Yourself  

… because in order to truly romanticize, prioritize and bounce back with grace, you need to truly understand what makes you, you and understand the complex details of your character. 

Related: How To Focus On Yourself And Become Her Again


Well, That’s It, Folks

Thank you so much for reading this blog post. I really hope that you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to subscribe down below for more posts on feminine beauty and self-improvement. Tell me what you think in the comments below. See ya :)

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