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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

How To Find True Beauty In Those Slow And Boring Moments, Alone!

How To Find True Beauty In Those Slow And Boring Moments, Alone!

Though the distinct line between being ‘alone’ and being ‘lonely’ is often so clear and highly visible, it can occasionally become quite blurry with every passing moment that we find ourselves in a state of quietness.

Usually, the peaceful thoughts that dwell while we enjoy the sweet company of ourselves can be easily interrupted and immediately redirected to a place where warmth, comfort, and self-assurance are nowhere to be seen and instead replaced with overthinking and feeling left out.

Being in the presence of just your reflection can make it harder for anyone to truly cherish and practise self-love like they would when in the company of another.

It is then that we start to perceive and mistake the act of being alone for the depressing state of being lonely, resulting in us not always being able to find the joy in spending time with ourselves.

So here, I’ve gathered a list of four normal but effective ways to embrace your quiet time and truly see the beauty in those slow and boring moments!

Let’s Dive In :)

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#1 Build Up Your Character by Replicating Something Useful

Character is built from the influences we have around us.

 The ones we consciously and directly choose to partake in, and the ones that are operating under the radar and have latched onto us unknowingly. 

These influences shape our mindset, our actions, and therefore our futures. 

Whether good or bad, it can be hard to deconstruct or detach from what is essentially a part of our identity. 

Yet it seems so easy to acquire new attributes when seen in another, whether we admire them or not. 

It is said that imitation is the best form of flattery, and so you’ll find yourself replicating something consciously or subconsciously. 

Either way, why not use this knowledge to mirror ideas that will be of good health and benefit to you, especially when you’re feeling a bit dull or in a state of low energy?

Try This: 

  • Find an easy recipe online, get the ingredients, follow the video tutorial, and replicate. 

When doing this, I love putting on some mood-changing music or a YouTube essay to listen to. 

I also find it easier to buy cake mixes so that I can simply focus on therapeutic decorating🙂.

Other Things You’ll Love Too:

  • Try replicating a hairstyle

  • Try replicating a makeup tutorial

  • Try replicating a photo (Use pinterest for inspiration)

  • Start the journey of growing a plant ( p.s: dont forget to visually document!)

Also, the final results of these tasks are not as important as enjoying the task at hand. Good luck!


#2 Talk With Yourself - Make A Sound!

Considering that this is a blog post about finding ways to enjoy those slow and quiet moments, this may seem like an oxymoron. 

But hear me out!

Whether it’s out loud, in thought, or on paper, your vocal chords shouldn’t just automatically shut off when a second body isn’t present. 

Let out pure laughter when you’ve watched something funny or happen to remember a silly memory. 

Sing out loud when you can’t get that annoying tune out of your head.

Let that ongoing inside voice come outside for once!

Finding comfort in your solitude doesn’t always have to mean letting the silence take over as you listen keenly to the sound of your own heartbeat, so do be sure to make a sound!


#3 Plan Yourself An Event

Because, why not?!

Interestingly enough, not a lot of people do this… and I definitely understand why. 

Booking a restaurant, finding transportation and even getting dressed are already too much work for me to do, especially when it’s a solo event. 

So, why should I bother?

It’s so much easier to snack away and get cozied up while watching ‘The Office’ for the tenth time. 

Well, luckily for us, a planned event is not exclusive or limited to having to leave your home at all. 

So alongside laying in bed and watching a show, simply put pen to paper or create a visual plan of something you’ll like to do someday. 

Although the goal is not to execute this plan into the present as of now, without being too unrealistic, plan in great detail as if it’s just about to happen🙂.

Try this: 

  • Choose a country, and create the ambience of what you are striving to achieve by finding images surrounding that.

 For instance, if you are embarking on a romanticising phase of your life and Italy is your destination of choice, the next step would be to arrange the restaurants you would visit, the hotel you would stay at, the interior design of the hotel, the clothes you would wear, the total cost, and finally, compose a brief paragraph describing what this trip would achieve for you in regards to bettering yourself. 

Super easy, right? 😂 

This is something that I love to do, and you’ll probably love it too. 


When you do eventually go, remember to replace the images with your own :)


#4: Remember To Unchain Your Mind

Let it be free from the shackles of always wanting to appear busy and from the issues and forceful desires of society in order to feel happy and content.

Finally, take that nap without feeling guilty or like you’re wasting time.

Allow yourself those five extra minutes for that warm, soothing water to caress your skin in the shower.

Unchain your mind from believing that every day needs to be fast-paced and super-eventful.

Bask in the beauty of those slow and “boring” moments too!


Wait! Before you go, here's a quote for you to take while you leave:


Well, That’s It, Folks

Have anything else to add? What did you think about the points I’ve made?

Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and leave a comment down below for more posts on feminine beauty, self-care, and self-development that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. See ya :)

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