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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

10 Girly Self-Care Tips To Prepare For The Most Exciting Winter Season Yet!

10 Girly Self-Care Tips To Prepare For The Most Exciting Winter Season Yet!

In a country where the seasonal changes are drastic and evident, coming down from a summer high to a winter wonderland is not as easy as you may think. 

From contemplating going nude in order to combat the heat to then desperately searching for your scarf and right-hand mitten, is the sad start to a tale of being stuck with the winter blues. 

Any change in your life has the potential to affect your overall mood and thereby the decisions you make.

Thus, this season, we’ll be planning ahead to prevent the winter blues from dictating our mood. 

So with that being said, here are 10 self-care tips for you to enjoy and avoid the usual negative feelings that accompany these cold, dark times. 

Let’s Dive In :)

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#1 Curate Your Winter Fashion Style


The silent art of dressing up holds so much power when it comes to our behaviour. Not only does it affect the way we are perceived by others, but it also affects the way we perceive and treat ourselves. 

Let’s say you’ve never been in the army but happen to get your hands on a military uniform, which you then decide to wear and walk around your neighbourhood. 

It shouldn’t alarm you when others are paying you with the utmost respect, as the clothing you wear screams bravery, strength, confidence, and a person not to be messed with. 

Don’t be taken aback when you suddenly notice yourself also starting to live up to that glory. 

This effect is the same for any attire you wear, although the results may be a bit more subtle. 

So as winter is fast approaching, take some quality time to dig through your buried winter clothing and put together at least five winter outfits that will instantly elevate your mood and behaviour. 

Here are two posts that will help (click to read):


#2 Make A Small Winter Wishlist


Gift-giving, even to oneself, is a universal language that is instilled in love, care, and appreciation. 

It is a special act that renders the immediate turnaround of sadness to a moment of happiness and joy. 

It becomes a beautiful souvenir of a great memory and leaves both the giver and receiver feeling acknowledged and treasured. 

Sometimes, it is our own selves that need to be acknowledged and cherished by a gift, and other times that appreciation is done by treating others. Either way, it’s a win-win situation.  

So, write down a few things you’d love for yourself and a few things you’d love to randomly gift to others. 


#3 Keep Your Skin Constantly Moisturised


And no, not just your face but your entire body. 

The environmental changes that accompany the winter season can often leave the skin looking and feeling dry, dull, and rough. 

Ashy, cracked skin is hardly ever pleasing to the eye, nor would it be most pleasing to touch.

Nevertheless, the winter season constantly forces us to indulge in things that add to this problem. 

The layering of clothing, although helpful in protecting us from the harsh environmental conditions, can lead to friction, which can gradually start to irritate the skin. 

Not to mention the hot showers that we may indulge in, which increase the loss of moisture and decrease the skin's natural oils.

It truly is so important to ensure that your skin is being looked after during this time of year if you don’t want to compromise your skin barrier but keep it soft, supple, hydrated, and happy. 

Here are some of my faves:

Ordering From The States? No Problem :)

USD:The Ordinary Daily Set

USD: ‘Soap & Glory Call of Fruity Body Lotion’ (I wasn’t able to find this exact one but the original is great too.)

Soap & Glory Original Pink The Righteous Butter Moisturizing Body Lotion

USD:L'Occitane Almond Shower Oil


#4 Get Cute & Ready For Pilates!


Congratulations! You have successfully failed at trying to ignore this viral ‘It-girl’ craze.

 You’ve done all you could to scroll past these girls on Pinterest. You spared them a few hearts on Tiktok but kept it moving—well, not anymore!

Become totally in tune with your physical body, as this is one of the most effective ways to exude confidence. 

A crucial part of obtaining confidence is working on your communication with others. The other crucial part is the communication between you and yourself. 

Activities such as dancing and exercise where your body is able to express your feelings through movement will push you to become your better self. 

So do yourself a favour and prepare to be stretching and practicing mindfulness as this winter, you’ll be a pilates princess.


#5 Start Planning That Movie List Now


… and with the movie list, make sure you’re all stocked up on popcorn and those delicious smoothie recipes!

A really good movie can be the perfect way to simmer down on those cold winter evenings, tucked and cuddled up in your warm blanket. 


#6 Get Warm And Cozy With A Good Book


Let the cold days slowly run their course this winter as you happily get through the chapters of an interesting book. 

Set an aim to finish at least two books, not forgetting to add them to your ‘Books I’ve Read’ list. 

Snuggle up and escape into your happy place.

Get this same feeling with journaling or by starting a short novel of your own. Because why not?


#7 Plan A Spa-Day 


Whether at home or professionally, don’t overthink it. It really doesn’t have to be too much. 

Try splitting your day in two, where the first half is all about your beauty routine. Things such as: 

  • Trying a new hairstyle

  • Doing proper skincare and shower routine 

  • Experimenting with a new makeup look

  • Online shopping or window shopping 

  • Beautifying your hands and feet

The second half is about relaxation, which means getting your beauty rest, watching a series, snuggling up with a good book and satisfying your tastebuds with a delicious treat. Do some light exercise too.

Click to Read:


#8 Stay Hydrated And Get That Sunlight


Especially for the melanin-rich girlies like me, it’s important that our bodies have that regular dose of vitamin D to continue thriving efficiently every day.

So although it may be cold and annoying to think about, ensure that you’re going outside so that the small ray of sunlight may gleam majestically on your face. 

I for one also take vitamin D supplements to aid with this as well.

Allowing your body to have a daily intake of sunlight will not only power you with energy but also de-stress you and improve your quality of sleep.

Alongside this, another way to avoid feeling drained would be to keep your body hydrated.

It’s not about simply drinking whenever you’re thirsty but regular water intake would decrease your chances of feeling constantly drowsy and exhausted.

Water, as we all know, is great for the skin and is vital in keeping you warm and cosy every winter season.


#9 Create Your Cozy Space 


Simple things such as adding a cute throw to your bed, adding fairy-lights, and finding the perfect scented candle that screams winter wonderland are small yet grand additions you need to your bedroom.

Sometimes, when you change your environment, you change your ideology. And so your characteristics, mannerisms and attitude begin to alter. Even though these decorative changes are small, these enhancements can be mighty in lifting your spirit and overall mood. 


#10 Give Your Tastebuds A Treat


Delight your tastebuds with delicious meals for a warm and cosy winter. 

Indulge in your favourite comfort food recipes. From cooking up different noodle recipes to making the best-tasting mac and cheese ever. 

Use this winter as the perfect opportunity to improve your baking skills as well by planning an afternoon where you bake the most delicious goodies and treats for the entire family. 

Also, don’t forget to try new hot chocolate recipes. This is one of my favourite things to do. 

And of course, don’t just commit a sin against your body with all these sweets and sugar.

This is also the perfect time to show your body your love by trying your hands at some healthy and filling food too. 

Bonus: Attempt to bi-weekly cook a cuisine from a new country. You could start with the Caribbean. I promise you , we have the most amazing food :)


Wait! Before you go, here's a quote for you to take while you leave:

Well, That’s It, Folks

Have anything else to add? What did you think about the points I’ve made?

Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and leave a comment down below for more posts on feminine beauty, self-care, and self-development that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. See ya :)

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