Hi there.

Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

6 Types Of People You Should Definitely Watch Out For At School

6 Types Of People You Should Definitely Watch Out For At School

1) Watch Out For The People With Multiple Personalities

It's clear that these types of people are just unhappy with themselves or they are simply fake. You’ll notice that when they’re with certain people it’s as if they have something to prove because of how hard they are trying to befriend that person or group of people in order to be likeable.

They’ll begin to say things that you’ve never heard them say and they’ll do things that you’ve never seen them do all because of the people they’ve surrounded themselves with.

Personally, I'll just sit back, snack on a bowl of popcorn and watch them gradually disgrace themselves into their own downfall but you should probably just slowly distance yourself and cut them off as they will eventually become quite toxic to you.

2) Watch Out For The “Wannabe Roadmans”

For some odd and weird reason, these types of people feel as if their ultimate goal in life is to prove to themselves and everyone else that they’re hard, tough and shouldn’t be messed with.

Lo and behold, you’ll never miss their “intimidating” presence as they sneak around trying to find that perfect spot away from the pesky year 7s and the teachers so that they can smoke their strawberry scented vape thingies in private.

Funny enough, it seems as if they are always the types of people to talk rubbish but never the ones to actually throw hands. What I'm saying is; their actions will never match their words.

Again, don’t let these types of people manipulate you into believing that they are all hard because I can assure you that wearing a long black puffer jacket even when the sun’s hot and also smoking a scented and flavoured vape (because they're too scared and don’t have enough hairs on their chest to even think about smoking a real cigarette) is not being hard...Lmao it's quite pathetic actually.

3) Watch Out For “The Relationship Birds”

These are the people that will find their eternal and only love at registration time and then sadly, break up at lunch time (Boohoo 😶😏).

Be ready and equipped for your social media to be flooded with being single quotes and unnecessary petty drama.

To be honest, these types of people are actually the only people on this list that you don’t necessarily have to beware and watch out for, unless holding hands and doing awkward hugs is a bit too explicit for you😂, otherwise sit back and enjoy the stupidness.

4) Watch Out For The “Sneaks”

These types of people are hella sneaky so don’t be foolish enough to fall into their despicable traps. Don’t let them hypnotise or manipulate you. Stop acting dumb and make sure to open your eyes and observe.

These are the people that will give you the false impression of you being on their level as they’ll laugh with you, gossip with you, act stupid and unintelligent and appear as if they’re not bothered by anything. You’ll see them acting a fool in class or not paying attention and having their heads on the desk, not caring about that important exam that you’ll all have to take in the next two tiring weeks.

When you see them, you’ll probably shake your head thinking that they won’t get far in life with the character that they’re portraying, but when it's time for everyone to get their marks back, you’ll notice something strange. That same person that was being a clown, being extra and not caring one bit, has gotten higher than you in the exam. You can fabricate all you want and tell yourself that they cheated or saw the test beforehand but the truth is that they outplayed you.

People like these, they like to grind silently. Don’t find comfort when you say that you didn’t study for a test and they tell you that they didn’t study either. Don’t listen to them when they say that they’re going to have an off-day today and just do their studying tomorrow or when they say they’re not going to do their homework for an upcoming class. Either you get played or play the game with them.

What you need to do is to be mindful and very watchful. All I have to say is: Don’t you dare make the stupid mistake of misjudging and underestimating these kind of people because you’ll surely regret it and you’ll probably hate yourself for doing so.

5) Watch out for overly friendly people.

These people will become the reason why you're stuffing your face with vanilla and chocolate ice-cream, whilst crying yourself a river until you fall asleep.

6) Watch out for the compliment fishers.

You don’t have time to be reassuring someone, day after day that they are beautiful when they are clearly aware of it and just want you to know it as well. Literally shove that person to the side and focus on you.

Closing Remarks...

  • Being observant, mindful and watchful are very key components and traits to develop and have in your personality. These simple things can really help and come to your aid when you find yourself in a troublesome situation so utilise them in the best way you can.

Well, That's It Folks

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