Hi there.

Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

How To Get The Effortless Chic Look

How To Get The Effortless Chic Look

Having a sense of style is such an easy way to draw attention to yourself and a great way to silently give others a snippet of your personality and showcase who you are as a person. 

So, with that being said, In this blog post, I’ve gathered 7 simple ways you can start being the chic, elegant and fashionable girl.

LeT’s DiVe In :)

#1 Make Your Wardrobe Simple And Neutral 


No need to go too overboard and pack your closet with the fancy and high fashion items. Remember that simplicity can be bold!   

  • Purchase The Basics:

    Try buying the basics when it comes to clothing items such as a white turtleneck top or even a solid colour, high waisted pants without any patterns or logos. Learn how to create amazing outfits using the things you have in your wardrobe by getting inspiration and ideas from Pinterest.

  • Fill Your Wardrobe With Neutral Tones:

    From nudes to greys, make sure that your wardrobe is filled with the neutrals. Neutral clothings are so much easier to style as they pretty much go with anything and everything. They’re also great in making a brighter colour stand out immensely so, definitely fill your wardrobe with these pleasant and warm colour tones. 

  • Whites And Blacks:

    It’s so important to have a large quantity of whites and blacks in your wardrobe as again, these colours go with absolutely everything. Also, these colours ensure that it’s not too overbearing on the eyes or make your outfit be seen as too flashy. 

#2 Experiment With The Three Colours Per Outfit Technique


This is truly such a great way to be seen as chic and stylish as it helps you to know which colours go well together and enhance your skin tone making your natural beauty shine through. 

Simply pick up to 3 different colours when putting together an outfit.

Doing this just makes you look quite put together, polished and refined.

#3 Add Either A Handbag, Glasses Or A Watch To Every Outfit


There is really no need for the bling bling and the excessive accessories. 

When it comes to looking chic, a plain silver, gold or rose gold watch can honestly be all you need for your outfit to pop and have some sort of personality to it. 

Get an everyday purse or handbag. Something that can go with almost all your clothes and planned outfits. 

Glasses add so much accent and a sweet touch to your outfit. It’s definitely an item that can most likely turn your outfit from bland to glam.

#4 Practice Different Eye Looks And Lip Looks To Match Your Outfits


Your eyes and lips play such a huge role in how beautiful you are perceived as they are commonly the focus of your entire face which means that a simple change in the eyes or lips could possibly enhance or diminish your overall beauty. 

Find the range of eye-shadow colours that makes your eyes stand out and the perfect shade of lipstick or gloss that gives your lips the plumpness and glow they need. 

#5 Find Your Perfect Hair-Do

Of Course you can have more than one, but still try to find that one particular hairstyle that suits your face and seems to work well with a range of outfits you’ve made. 

Your hair is also such an important aspect of your face that can significantly change your beauty so it's extremely important that you observe the right hairstyles that seem to work for you.

#6 Iron All Your Outfits


Your outfits should never be wrinkled or creased. They should always be ironed in order to look polished. When doing this, you’ll notice that your clothes starts to frame your curves just right.

You don’t want to ever miss this step if you want to seem elegant, sophisticated and chic.

#7 Know How To Layer Your Clothes


Layering your clothes can have such an impact in how you want your outfit to be seen by others. 

Again, it adds that sense of style and the look always seems effortless even though you’ve probably spent ages just to figure out what the hell you were doing. 

On a positive note, there are so many youtube videos that will teach you just what you need to know when it comes to layering clothing. So, definitely go check them out😁.

Well, That’s It Folks

Thank you so much for reading this blog post. I really hoped that you liked it. Don’t forget to subscribe down below for more posts that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. See ya :)

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