Hi there.

Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

10 Striking Ways To Dress Like An Elegant Millionaire

10 Striking Ways To Dress Like An Elegant Millionaire

Non-uniform days were always a favourite to many students at my school because it was their only opportunity to finally showcase their “style” and “individuality” to everyone.

Truthfully, that was such an obvious lie because we all pretty much dressed the exact same, including me (sob).

Yes, the colours varied but the overall outfits were always the same. 

You know; the crop tops, jeans, track suits, or whatever weird affordable fashion that would be trending. 

But then there were these other set of people, a very small number, who would effortlessly stand out from the rest in a way that was truly inspiring and quite noticeable. Everyone would silently agree on how breathtaking, classy and expensive they looked.

To me, that was very interesting as they were able to silently bring attention to themselves without flashing their money in other people’s faces or without becoming a clone like everyone else. 

With that being said, in this blog post, I’ll be sharing 10 striking ways you can look elegant and draw attention to yourself without certain necessities. Let’s dive in!


So, Here Are The Main Things That Will Be Addressed In This Blog Post

  • The different ways you can look expensive without spending a tonne

  • And also, the simplest and easiest ways to look more classy and elegant.


#1 Simplicity Can Be Bold!


Whilst I always say that you should never think you’re overdoing something especially when it comes to your style and the way you dress, believe it or not, being simple can really draw attention to yourself and make you stand out.  

It truly can have the same effect or even more when it comes to people finding your look admirable and beautiful. 

Being simple doesn’t mean you’re lacking, lazy or timid. It solely means that you don’t need much to capture others attention or to be at peace with yourself.

Here are a few ways you can be elegant by being simple:

  • By wearing solid colours

  • By wearing simple accessories

  • By wearing natural makeup or no makeup at all


#2 Neutral Colours


These colours are very soft and can be seen as very classy and elegant. They are not too flashy and seem to effortlessly gain the attraction of the human eye. 

However, it is more important to know the right set of colours that specifically suit you and your skin tone the best.

These colours should be able to complement your skin tone well, emphasise and enhance your beauty and not leave you in the dark. 

Here are some colours you might like:

Darker skin tones tend to look extremely amazing when wearing colours such as gold, yellow, orange, navy blue, white etc.

On the other hand lighter skin tones are more complementary with colours such as pink, light blue, lavender etc…


#3 Logos And Patterns...Um, No!

Regardless of whether the item of clothing looks good or not, many people will still buy it just because of the brand and the name associated with it. 

Don’t be this person.

Know that even the expensive stuff has its pros and cons. 

When it comes to patterns and logos, try to avoid the large and bold ones. Try to go for something more subtle and that isn’t really the focus of your outfit.


#4 Make Sure Cinderella Fits The Slipper

What I mean by this is, you must always strive to look comfortable and at ease in whatever clothing you wear. 

Make sure that you always wear clothing that is the right size and fit for your body. 

It shouldn’t be constricting and suffocating yet, it shouldn't be too loose and stretched. It should be just right. 

If you have the means and the capability of tailoring your clothes then you should definitely go ahead and do it :)


#5 Always Dress For The Occasion


This means that you should never wear sportswear if you’re not doing any exercise and you should not wear biker shorts, if you’re not going cycling. 

Dress for the occasion and stop following the lame trends (yawn).

Although, I’m saying that you should always dress for the occasion, you should never ever dress down. 

Just because you’re going to stock up on some cheese and eggs at the supermarket down the road, doesn’t mean you should just do a messy bun, put on a baggy sweater and some leggings and that’s it.

Absolutely not!

Being elegant is not only for others to see but it is also for you. So even when you go to the shop or even when you stay at home, make sure you’re looking your absolute best.


#6 Eciton sliated...Notice details

From the type of fabric, to the type of sewing technique, be sure to pay attention to the small details that everyone else tend to overlook.


#7 Expensive Don’t Always Mean Cute

As I’ve mentioned before, everything has its pros and cons and personally, I don't always find the expensive things pretty. In fact, most of the time they’re just plain and boring.

However, I really  can’t deny the fact that the quality of these expensive items are most likely the best. 

For most, when it comes to buying things, it’s quality over quantity and I totally agree. But don’t you dare start judging a book by its cover because even the low budget and less costly things can be seen as elegant, classy and expensive. 


#8 Groom, Groom, Groom

Your hair can significantly change the way any outfit looks on you so make sure you take the time to figure out which outfit goes with your hairstyle or which hairstyle goes with your outfit.

As well as your nails, make sure that they are clean and well presentable. 


#9 The Things Underneath Counts

Aim to be seen as elegant in all aspects and not just in the things that people on the outside will see. 

This means that even your undergarments should make you feel classy and expensive. 

2 simple ways to achieve this is to:

  • Buy matching underwear

  • Make sure that the colours are vibrant and not off-looking or bland. 


#10 Black Goes With Everything


I really have nothing else to say than...it truly does.


Here’s a quote for you to take while you leave:

Elegance is not about being noticed, it’s about being remembered.


Well, That’s It Folks

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