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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

The Best Ways To Level Up Your Life

The Best Ways To Level Up Your Life

Time can go by so fast. 

It truly doesn’t wait or make favour with anyone. It doesn’t care about your circumstances or your personal situations. It just comes and it goes. 

Now is not the time to be tying your shoelaces. Get up and start running. 

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing the various ways in which you can level up and truly reinvent your life for the better. A life where you’ll be satisfied and much happier. 

With all of that being said, here are the best ways you can level up your life. Let’s dive in :)

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So, Here Are The Main Things That Will Be Addressed In This Blog Post:

  • The different ways in which you can level up your life through how you think and behave.

  • The different ways you can level up your life in regards to how you feel about your appearance

  • And lastly, the different ways you can level up as a teenager.


Build Your Identity. Make Your Name Mean Something.

To build your identity and show people your true self, the easiest thing to do is to start from your name. 

Sometimes, it can be very telling of who a person is from just their name alone. 

You want others to instantly associate your name with the great and amazing person you are. So why not rebrand your name?

Take it and transform it into something that is telling and glorious. Let your name be the thing to light up the mood when in a storm or simply to bring comfort to someone else.  

Every single thing about you tells a story and every story deserves to be told. 

Here are some of the ways you can start to build your identity

  • By reading self development books.

  • Listening to podcasts that relate to you in some sort of way.

  • By wanting more for yourself and constantly aiming higher.

  • By having a voice even when in a place of silence. Let your actions say it all. 

  • By changing your negative habits for the positive ones.


Stay On Top Of The Game

What I mean by this is that you need to be more organised and put together. 

Write yourself a morning routine or a day schedule. Plan out not only the big and important events, but also the small and simple ones too.


Be Sneaky

I know how tacky this sounds but I truly believe that this is a great way to build yourself and level up in your life.

Take the test in secret and showcase the final results out loud.

Sometimes, the best way to win in life is to be sneaky and reveal yourself at the end. You don’t have to always tell your dreams and aspirations to everyone. It’s never bad to wait until you see yourself gradually getting somewhere before speaking up about it. 

Many successful people have been doing this and not because they’re scared that the people they know might see them working at the bottom or because they are afraid of failure. 

It is because…

  • You will become more motivated to accomplish what it is that you are doing.

  • There will be less hassle and setbacks as you won’t have to constantly worry about the opinions of others.

  • And lastly, the surprise factor by everyone at the end is always so satisfying. It truly makes your silence worthwhile...well, at least to me :)


Throw The Toxic Ones Away In The Trash

“Show Me Your Friends And I’ll Show You Your Character”

Yes, we shouldn’t judge others, but unfortunately, we subconsciously do it anyways. 

Don’t let your friends nor your relationship be the reason why you are judged unfairly by others that do not know you at all. 

Hanging around toxic people can indeed make you also toxic and poisonous to other people in your life. It’s not fair to you and it’s not fair to the people around you. You definitely deserve better. 

Personally, I really don’t know why I’m not able to cut myself off from someone completely. Yes, I’ll distance myself but I won’t ignore them entirely.

 Before, I really used to think that this was a good thing and I suppose it is, but for some people, the process of cutting them out of my life completely is harsh but quite necessary. 

Remember that you and your health come first before anything. No one should ever make you feel underappreciated or worthless.


Stop Being So Tense

For heaven sakes, RELAX!

Find a cosy place where you can just lie down, put your feet up and cherish the things you have in your life. 

Smile, laugh and enjoy the gifts that life has to offer. 

Some things truly don’t deserve your attention so stop caring. Become unbothered and focus solely on yourself and the loving people you have in your life.


How To Level Up Your Body And Physical Appearance

Your Body:

Stop putting all your focus and attention on your flaws and insecurities.

Worry about the stretch marks, the pimples and the hyperpigmentation later…or not at all.

 For now, you need to be confident and accept all your flaws and move on with your life especially if it’s something that cannot be changed. 

Physical Appearance:

Here are a few posts that I made that might help you when it comes to your appearance. Knock yourself out :D


5 Ways To Level Up As A Teen

#1. Find an income stream:

Look deep into what you are good at and research the various things you can do in order to make money.

Here are 4 of the popular ways many teens start making money:

  1. By Starting a youtube channel 

  2. By Selling items online

  3. By Doing a podcast

  4. And By Starting A Blog.


#2. Start working towards something in the future:

Making big aspirations in life when very young can sometimes make success easier to reach especially if you are already working towards it. 

Pick up your notepad and pencil and write down a few things you would love to achieve in the future and start working towards it.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Publishing a book

  2. Creating a clothing line

  3. Create a movie script or animation movie

  4. Learn 3 different instruments

  5. And becoming multilingual


#3. Start being confident:

You honestly don’t have the time to be paying attention to the wrong judgement of people. You also don’t don’t have the time to be caring about what that negative voice in your head dislikes about you. If you can’t change it, own it. 


#4. Set your boundaries:

Don’t you dare let anyone take you for a fool or manipulate you. Be your own boss. Set your boundaries and tell people whenever they have crossed the line. Make it known what the type of person you are; the things you tolerate and the things that will never be acceptable to you. Showcase to others that you are able to be true to yourself without hurting other people. 


#5. Find your style: 

From the things you wear, to the things you watch and listen to, make sure that you are happy, comfortable and at peace. You will never ever be able to please everyone so you might as well try to please yourself and see who comes along and likes it too. 


Random Question:

Telenovelas or K-dramas? I’mma go with telenovelas😁


Well, That’s It Folks

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Thank you so much for reading. Did I miss anything? I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this subject. Please subscribe to my blog and again, thank you alot for reading. See ya :)

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