Hi there.

Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

5 Ways You Can Dress Simple But Still Look Bold

5 Ways You Can Dress Simple But Still Look Bold

By dressing simple, elegant and sophisticated, you are silently telling others that you don’t necessarily need much to grab or attract attention. 

This is great as it significantly allows your personality to shine through, enhancing and adding more definition to your beauty. 

So, In this blog post, I’ll be sharing with you 5 great ways you can dress simple but still manage to look quite captivating.  Let’s dive in :)

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So, Here Are The Main Things That Will Be Addressed In This Blog Post:

  • The different things you can do to look more polished, put together and elegant

  • And the reason to why simplicity can be bold!


#1 Wear Solid And Neutral Colours

This doesn’t mean to say that you can’t be colourful or add any sort of “pop” to your wardrobe.

 However, it is important that you don’t go overboard or do more than needed, when doing this. In other words: try to be reasonable. 

The colours should be complementary to each other as well as your skin tone. 

Your skin tone should always be emphasised and beautified in whatever clothing you choose to wear. This is why you should pay close attention to the different shades of particular colours. 

For Example:

The colour green is quite a bright, vibrant and radiant colour. 

One particular shade of green might be too harsh as it has the potential to drown out your skin tone and make the overall outfit look unpleasant. 

However, another particular shade of green could be much more warmer and it may do well in complementing the colour of your skin tone much better. 


#2 Wear Simple Accessories

Even just a small delicate watch might be all you need to add more beauty and elegance to your look.

It is not too flashy and loud but it's also not too plain and forgettable. It’s honestly just right. 

You might just want to skip all the jewellery and solely add a small hair piece to your hair. Or… you could find that wearing a very fitting handbag might be all you need to complete your overall look. 


#3 Wear Natural Makeup Or No Makeup At All 

Sometimes, all you might need to do is to add a bit of concealer and a dab of lip gloss and that’s it.

You might also want to: 

  • Groom your brows

  • Groom your lashes 

  • Add moisture to the face so that when the sun hits, you’ll have that gorgeous, bronzed, sun-kissed look that many people crave for.

Read: How To Look Extremely Amazing Without Makeup for more insight to how you can achieve a gorgeous look with minimum effort.


#4 Style Your Hair

When trying to look simple but extravagantly breathtaking, many may quickly rush to sleek down their hair or straighten it. 

Although both of these things do add a sense of elegance and a more put together, polished look, you don’t always have to do this.

I would say that you should try out new hairstyles that will fit your face shape well and also look at hairstyles that you personally like and find favour in.


When choosing hairstyles, try to avoid:

  • Dying your hair to an extreme colour

  • Hairstyles that will damage your hair and hair texture


#5 Wear Shoes That:

  • Add to the length of your legs

  • Does well with your overall look

  • Doesn’t have a lot of patterns or logos

  • Fit your feet well


Other Things to consider when trying to look good is to:

  • Whiten your teeth 

  • Beautify your nails

  • Make sure you smell amazing


Here’s a quote for you to take while you leave:

Buy less. Choose Well.


Well, That’s It Folks

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