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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

7 Days Of Self Care For Girl Bosses

7 Days Of Self Care For Girl Bosses

Self care should be seen as this wonderful way of resetting your body and mind.

It should be seen as something that nourishes your spirit and something that can really add to your personal growth and development.


Many people choose to see self care as a chore and a hindrance to their day.

But believe me when I say that every girl boss needs a rest day or a rest week if you’re like me:)

It’s important to take a breather, declutter your thoughts and enjoy time without thinking that it’s slipping through your fingers with every nail you polish.

So with that being said, here are 7 great self care activities for you to complete in just 7 days. 

Let’s Dive In :)

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Day 1: Create A Vision Board


A vision board is such a great way for you to get the drive and the momentum you need to keep going and never look back. 

You might have already made your vision board for the year or month beforehand but I strongly suggest that you make another .

Just that simple process of sitting down, making the vision board with the intention of making something great for yourself this year, could be all the fuel you need to start the ignition to go beyond your potential and achieve your end goals.

So again I tell ya, create a vision board.


Day 2: Do A 1 Hour Workout Session 

Let’s face it, exercising everyday, even if it’s as short as 6 minutes, can be really hard work.

You probably have the laundry to do, uniforms to iron, dishes to watch, toilets to scrub and food to be cooked.

So, trying to squeeze in a 7 minute or 6 minute workout is going to be a struggle.

So instead, create an organised and strategic to-do list that will leave you with the time to do an hour of exercise throughout the week. 

This is a great way to de-stress and feel positive about yourself.


Day 3: Do A Social Media Cleanse

The things we watch, listen to and read affects our day to day simple actions. 

Take today to really detox from social media.

Use this time to refurbish and reset the things that you see showing up in your social feeds. 

Make your feeds a reflection of yourself or what you would like to become in the future. 

I find that this is an amazing way of training your mind of thinking positively, reinventing and bettering yourself, and achieving your aspirations. 

It is extremely important to control the things that influence you and to be mindful of the things you let into your life.


Day 4: Beautify Yourself

Find your signature style, signature fragrance and your overall unique aesthetic. 

Dress up, do your hair, learn a new makeup look and engage in skincare.

Day 4 is the day for you to finally get rid of that mickey mouse pyjama set that you’ve been staying in all day and transform yourself into a timeless beauty.


My Faves


Day 5: Do A Task You’ve Been Procrastinating All Week

I know, i know...doing this sucks :( 


As soon as you’ve completed it and it’s all out of the way, you’ll feel so much better as if you’re on top of the world.


you have a mountain of things to do that have been piling up for the last week which means that completing one task out of a hundred seems like you’ve accomplished nothing...which really sucks. 

Good Luck :D


Day 6: Make It A Lazy Day

Self care doesn't always mean having a tonne load of relaxing and somewhat productive activities lined up for you to do throughout the day. 

Sometimes it means doing absolutely nothing and giving your body the option and freedom of choosing whatever it desires in a particular moment.

This changes your perception of thinking that self care is just another chore, something that you can finally tick off your to-do list.

So, I propose you order some takeaways  (ignoring the fact that day 2 was all about being healthy :D), stay in bed all day, watch movies and YouTube videos, treat yourself to a home spa day and  go online and look at ll the pretty stuff that you would never buy. 

The overall motive is to basically treat yourself and don’t worry about tomorrow. 

Which leads me to…


Day 7:  Reflect

So your self care week has finally come to an end. 

What did it teach you about yourself? Did it do you any good?

Day 7 is the day that you make plans for the following week, incorporating new ways you can practice small bits of self care everyday in your busy life. 

Reflect on why self care is important. Reflect on why the body yearns for care and love and how self care can better your mindset so that you can achieve more than what is expected. 


Here’s a quote for you to take whilst you leave:

An empty lantern provides no light. self care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly


Well, That’s It Folks

Tell me your thoughts in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe for more posts on self care and more that I’m sure you’ll find enjoyable. See ya :)

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