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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

How To Be Silently Attractive

How To Be Silently Attractive

I can’t even recall the amount of times that I had to abruptly stop whatever I was doing and just shamelessly stare at a person because of their striking beauty. 

After catching my awkward gaze, they would either give me a death stare or roll their eyes and just like that, my perception of their beauty changed. 

Weirdly enough, this would also happen with people that I never deemed as attractive at first glance. But then their beautiful characteristics and attitudes would instantly evoke something in me and I would then find them attractive.


I then came to figure out that beauty and attractiveness doesn’t only equates to the physical appearance but it also has something to do with the way you present yourself; your character, your attitude, your habits and mannerisms as a person. 

They all play a part in how attractive you appear to others. So, with all of that being said, let’s dive into how you can be silently attractive.

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So, Here Are The Main Things That Will Be Addressed In This Blog Post:

  • The different ways you can be silently attractive through the things you do

  • And also, the different ways you can be silently attractive through the ways you present yourself.


Start Getting Attraction For The Way You Are


 This is extremely important in grasping anyone’s undivided attention. It’s a silent way to showcase your beauty and attractiveness. 

However, many people tend to overlook this simple and effective action therefore making it seem useless and a waste of time. 

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that if you instantly start sitting up straight and stop slouching that people will immediately start going head over heels for you because that is extremely unlikely. 

What I’m saying is: whether you’re sitting down, standing up, crouching, crawling, slouching or whatever, make sure you look good doing it.

Aim to look like a silent supermodel

One day or another people will begin to notice this unique trait about you and how you use your body.

Be a living art

Without even talking, let your style and personality show through the way your body sways when you’re walking and the way your body poses when you’re staying still.


Be Organized

This is also such another great way in gaining attraction without making a peep.  

Organization is such a great way in enhancing both your physical beauty and your mental state of mind. 

Even being organized in the simple things can gain you attraction. In fact, they might just be the things to give you the best results. 

Being organized perceives you as a person that has priorities, goals and someone who is striving for success and nothing less.


Become Observant

Being silent makes it so much easier to pay attention to the small and tiny details. 

You can learn so many new and interesting things when paying attention to the things in the background.  

Open your eyes and start looking beyond the surface. Know that there’s more depth to everything and everyone. 



Everyone tells you to not talk with food in your mouth or to never put your elbows on the dining table.

 Yes, these things might be considered a “reach” as they are not harmless and it’s something everyone subconsciously do.

This is the exact reason to why many people overlook these old etiquette tales and do what they please. 

Use this to your advantage to become silently attractive.

If everyone else doesn't find it fit to practice these simple mannerisms, then by you being the one to do these things, you are effortlessly standing out and can be seen as quite attractive.  


Be Softer

Don’t be fooled by the foolish connotations that the word “soft” has now gotten as it doesn’t mean you’ll be a pushover, easy to manipulate or one that cannot stand by their own two feet. Being soft means that:

  • people will be overwhelmed and astonished when you shout,

  • people will be jealous and envious when you accomplish something in life

  • and people will be taken aback and flabbergasted when they see you being strong, comfortable and independent.

This also links in with being humble as being humble is the best way to boast and show off.



Entice people in with a warm and welcoming smile.

Smile at that weird person you see everytime you step in front of a mirror.

I can bet you a million bucks that he/she will smile back :)

If you’re someone that people always see smiling, then when you suddenly start to frown and seem uncomfortable, people will immediately notice and instantly rush to your aid. So smile.


Start Getting Attraction For The Way You Look

The Way You Dress

Find your style. 

Find the right colours that do wonders in enhancing your beauty and emphasize the tone of your skin. 

Make sure that you are 100% comfortable with the choice of clothing that you choose to wear and remember that you shouldn’t just dress up for the big events but also for the simple things. 

This is extremely important in becoming silently attractive as you are more destined to stand out when dressing up to go to the shop across the street than dressing up to go to that big event five hours away where everyone will be fighting for everyone’s attention. 

Please don’t ever think that you are overdoing it...unless you are. 

No need to wear your trousers as a blouse or your blouse as a trouser. There are many other ways you can stand out when it comes to dressing up. 


The Way You Smell

Become instantly captivating with your amazing scent. Let strangers know exactly who you are with that faint smell of fragrance.

Invest in the right fragrances that are not on the extreme. They should be appealing and pleasant to the human nose and not too overbearing and bold.

Having such a great scent is a silent way to bring attention to yourself. You can easily make people like you without even knowing you entirely. 

My Faves:


Practice Self Care

People see what you let them see so be careful of what you bring to the surface.

Believe it or not, people are subconsciously aware of how you feel towards yourself. 

There’s a saying that says:

“Show, Don’t Tell!”

Going around telling people how you love yourself and how you are confident with who you are, is a great way to change your mentality from a toxic one to a more positive and secure one. 

However, if you are not reaching that same amount of satisfaction when you say the same things to yourself alone, without your companions, then how confident are you really?

This is actually something people can sense about you. 

You should be able to radiate the energy of self love and confidence just by being silent and by letting your actions and habits show it all. 



This is for you.

Exercise to know that you're being healthy. Your body will thank you in the long run.


Here’s a quote for you to take while you leave:

Personality can either kill or enhance your appearance



Here are the 3 main points that I think you might have missed when reading this blog post:

  1. Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it…and that’s okay.

  2. The only person you should be trying to make a point to is yourself. Everything else will fall into place in due time. Just leave it all to God.

  3. Subscribe to AlwaysMoodyBlogs for more posts that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.


Well, That’s It

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