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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

How To Silently Demand Attention With Your Illuminating Beauty

How To Silently Demand Attention With Your Illuminating Beauty

Your beauty and how attractive you appear to others will forever fluctuate depending on the person. 

Whilst some people might find your beauty compelling and enchanting, others will view you as plain-looking and unappealing to the eye. 

And, truth be told, this is completely okay especially since we ourselves change our minds and judge our appearance every single day.

One morning we might take a glance at ourselves in the mirror and see an absolutely stunning princess and another morning, we look at ourselves and see an ugly troll staring back at us. 

So, even though I do believe that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’ I also believe that there is a beauty that can truly captivate and leave anyone in a trance. 

Here is how you can silently demand attention with your beauty without simply relying solely on your physical appearance. 

Let’s DIve In :)

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Be Graceful 

Being graceful is truly an art. 

This is either something you already practise naturally, or it is something that you’ll have to learn intentionally.

Due to certain habits we’ve already gotten ourselves acquainted with in our lives, it can be extremely hard to get familiar with new habits especially if they’re this subtle like your posture and your movements. 

I’ve always said that you should aim to look like a supermodel and be a living art.

Without even talking, let your style and personality show through the way your body sways when you’re walking and the way your body poses when you’re staying still.

Being graceful might not be as flashy and eye catching as doing a dolled up makeup look. 

However, practising being graceful is not an art that will ever fade, wash off or leave you.

It’s a silent investment you can make in yourself that will reward you and return the favours in the long run. 


Be Sneaky 

In other words: Take the test in secret and showcase the final results out loud.

It’s not about being deceiving. Yet, it’s not exactly about telling the truth either.

It’s more about analysing your thoughts before revealing them out into the open, becoming somewhat mysterious and moving in silence.

Sometimes it can be good to withhold information about that project you’ve always wanted to start or that movie audition you have next week. 

Sometimes the best things to do is to wait until you see yourself gradually getting somewhere before speaking up about it.

It saves your time, it saves your energy and it’s extremely satisfying witnessing people’s faces after accomplishing something that you haven’t really talked too much about. 

Although I don't want to say it, it cannot be denied that many people will find you immensely beautiful when you’ve accomplished something successful or did something great that they failed to think of themselves. 

Therefore, be sneaky :)


Be Consistent

This is such an amazing way to silently demand attention with your beauty especially because this is an area where the majority have failed and will fail. 

Being consistent doesn’t mean you’ll be acknowledged by the mass instantaneously but it is something that overtime will not be ignored or go unnoticed by anyone you see on a regular basis. 

Whether that’s the lady who’s always walking her dog up and down the sidewalk, or the gentleman at the bus stop patiently waiting for the bus to arrive. 

No, they might not ever compliment or say anything to you, but that doesn’t mean that they haven’t noticed your beauty.

One thing you should try and be consistent about is the way you dress because most people will only ever see the surface rather than get to know who you are as a person. 

And even without knowing you or even hearing you ever say a word, people will already have a preconceived idea of who you’re likely to be as a person and believe when I say that your style influences this judgement a lot.  

So, try to dress elegantly and stylishly and always remember to add a smile because this simple action is enough to change someone’s opinion of you. 

‘Simplicity Can Be Bold!’


Lavish Yourself 

Meaning to take pride in your health, occasionally treat and pamper yourself and practise self care daily.

Just like you may be able to give a sensible conclusion of what food might be in a container based on the outside appearance and the smell that radiates from the container, at first, people will mostly see your outward appearance and come up with an idea of who you are based on that idea alone.

Yes, depth matters but the surface should never be neglected. They truly go hand in hand. 


Become knowledgeable on the fact that people are subconsciously aware of how you feel towards yourself, using how you look and dress as a way to pass their judgement.

This means that you should pay attention to your hygiene, apply fragrances that will leave you shimmering and shining because of how amazing the scent is etc.

Also, lavish and pamper yourself not because it is a great way to captivate others with your silent beauty but simply because you deserve it :)

Treat Yourself

Read: How To Be Silently Attractive for more ways to effortlessly and silently stand out :)


Here’s a quote for you to take whilst you leave:

Outer beauty attracts but inner beauty captivates


Well, That’s It Folks

 Thank you so much for reading this blog post today. Tell me what you thought in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to subscribe for more posts on feminine beauty and personal growth that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. See ya :)

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