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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

How To Become Attractive To Others Without Even Trying

How To Become Attractive To Others Without Even Trying

We all know that beauty and attractiveness is subjective, regardless of the ridiculous beauty standards we’ve managed to create for ourselves as a society.

Even though there’s no debate on the fact that we all appreciate different aspects of beauty, there are some things in the beauty world that we all seem to find greatly enchanting, beautiful and attractive. 

Truthfully, it more so revolves around a person’s character rather than how pretty certain features they have, are.


In this blog post, I’ve decided to gather a list of 6 ways you can become more attractive to others without intentionally and obviously trying to be. 

Let’s Dive In :)

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#1 Have Eyes But Don't See, Have Ears But Don’t Hear!

To put simply, 

Mind Your Own Business!

Sometimes, it is best to look and observe the situation and pretend to not see a thing. It can be wise to listen closely but act as if you’ve heard nothing. 

This is not to say that it is completely wrong to talk about a situation that doesn’t necessarily concern you, involves you or the people you are close with. 

However, it shouldn’t be something you are invested in 24/7 or cause you to spread details about the matter. 

Minding your own business doesn’t exactly mean ignoring all the other things that are happening around you or losing complete interest in other people’s lives.

It means having the knowledge to turn down the volume of your own voice, becoming observant and  learning that silence speaks.  

To me, minding your own business, especially when it comes to petty things, is a super attractive trait that has the power to filter out a lot of negative people that might be heading your direction. 


#2 Plant Seeds Of Different Skills Up Your Sleeve

What I mean by this is adding a bit more personality and detail to your character by investing some of your free time into advancing your skills or learning something new. 

Whether that’s learning how to code, writing, sports, playing an instrument etc. 

Just by becoming quite flexible with your creativity makes others find you not only attractive and beautiful, but also very talented and gifted. 

Also, by learning different ranges of skills and not being too loud about what you are able to do, imposes that satisfying effect of surprise and shock when others find out just what you are able to do. 

This gives the impression of mystery and it showcases to others that you are the opposite of predictable and boring. 


#3 Be Consistent With Looking Your Best

Consistency alongside patience and hard work is the key to success in many areas of life. 

It’s a very simple concept that is easy to understand. However, it’s one that is somewhat hard to abide by. 

Becoming consistent with how you dress and your overall physical appearance is of course, one of the thinkable ways to be seen as attractive especially because anyone is capable of  looking good but not everyone has the potential to be looking good every single day.  

As I’ve mentioned before in 10 Secrets To Becoming A Modern Bombshell your personal perception of ‘not putting in the effort and dressing down’ should be others’ perception of ‘looking well dressed and put together’. 

No one can deny that when you are consistent with something (and in this case, looking good), other people’s ideology and standards for you change which can be both good and bad depending on which angle you are looking from. 


#4 Always Be Prepared

Being organised is one of the best and most attractive traits to have. 

Being organised is greatly admired not only because it’s a stepping stone to success, but because it is a skill that will always leave a lasting impression on others as it is closely tied to being consistent. 

To me, an organised and well prepared individual seems relaxed, calm and their beauty just glows immensely. 


#5 Don’t Idle With Time 

This is something that I struggle with in which I sometimes let others subconsciously determine what I do with my time.  

By saying not to idle with time, I’m not saying to only dedicate your time to completing those essential and important tasks. 

What I’m saying is to set boundaries for yourself and others to follow when it comes to your time. 

Perhaps you would like for others to know that after a set time in the day you won’t be available because you’ll be too occupied with something else.

It’s important to note that setting boundaries is not a way for you to come across as stand-offish, miserable and withdrawn. It’s a way to showcase to others that you value your time and that there are other things relating to your life that will remain unknown. 

Time management is another gorgeous and attractive trait, truly enhancing any individual's beauty.


#6 Be Set On Silently Improving Yourself 

Taking care and improving yourself can honestly be such a treat.

A really delicious treat in which you’ll sometimes want to share with others regardless of whether you're just in the beginning stages or not. 

They say that ‘what's done in the dark will come to the light’ and if that is true, which I strongly believe it is, then you might as well wait until the improvements you’ve made within yourself comes to the light rather than trying to speed up the process by being vocal about your aspirations, dreams and the plans you have for yourself. 

Silence can be and is attractive :)


Here’s a quote for you to take whilst you leave:

 Silence speaks!


Well, That’s It Folks

Thank you so much for reading this blog post. I really hope that you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to subscribe down below for more posts on fashion and beauty. Tell me what you think in the comments below. See ya :)

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