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How To Be A Pathetic Fighter

How To Be A Pathetic Fighter

Mood: Yawn😴

Just because you've managed to grab a few strands of that girl's hair, doesn't mean you've won the fight.

Please don't fool yourself, It's kind of embarrassing.

Here are 8 different ways you may just be a pathetic fighter.

1) Slamming Doors

Stop taking out your anger on these poor, innocent objects. They have done absolutely nothing to you except mind their own business, so please show a bit of respect and leave them out of your petty drama.

You don't need to slam, break or throw something to show that you're extremely angry and is totally fed up with something or someone. You can do that by throwing your actual fists and not my £1 cup that I had just bought from pound-land.

But if you do decide to ignore me and go ahead with it anyways, make sure that you do it right and don’t embarrass yourself by trying to slam a door and it not actually slamming. That’s sad😔


2) Spitting

This is probably the lowest thing anyone could possibly do to someone else. It’s just plain nasty.

I honestly have nothing else to say other than… EW!

Even if there aren't any rules when it comes to fighting, how degrading and petty can you be to spit on someone?

If it’s the shock factor that you were looking for then you definitely got it because spitting on someone is really appalling, disgusting and evil.


3) Scratching & Pinching

To be totally honest, this just seems quite immature and childish to me. A really stupid and pathetic way to fight someone.

It’s like a bear trying to scrape honey out of an empty beehive. It's delusional and just not going to happen, therefore… pathetic.


4) Having People Holding You Back

Why is it that a person will be severely acting out, huffing and puffing, pretending to be a dangerous wolf, that I'm sure they are, but never actually doing anything to the person they’re beefing with?

They’ll make false threats, they’ll swear, scream and curse but they never do anything to their opponent until they are being held back by the people around them and all of a sudden, now that they are being restricted by their peers, this is when they want to start throwing hands.

How Pathetic😴


5) Knock knock

This is definitely a good alternative for punching if you are just unable to get a solid aim.

All you need to do is to put your hands in a fist, fling your wrist up and down and knock as if your opponent is a door and you are trying to get permission to fight them.

Make sure to note how stupid this is and seeing it in reality makes it even more dumb but hilarious😁.

In other words, if you can't punch you can't fight...so just leave it.


6) Being Loud

Just by writing about this, I'm already exhausted.

Why is it that people think that by screaming, shouting and swearing every single second, is showing their strength?

Volume does not equate to power and strength because most of the time, it's the quiet ones that are deadly and should be watched.


7)The Legendary Pulling Of The Hair

Trying to make the person that you are beefing with go bald is the most stupid and brainless idea I've ever came across in my 16 years of living.

It’s honestly so saddening and even pitiful to see people truly believing that they’ve won a fight and successfully beaten someone up just because they’ve managed to grab a few strands of their opponent’s hair.

It’s even more pathetic when they just tightly hold onto each other's hair, in the most awkward position, just waiting to be torn apart by their friends or a teacher.

Pulling someone's hair can’t just be the only thing you can do. If it is, just accept the fact that you’re not a fighter because nothing is wrong with that. It’s better than saying you can fight and then end up with your knee joint being twisted 180 degrees, your teeth being knocked out and your entire face being rearranged.

On a positive note, I must say that I do enjoy being on the sidelines, snickering and laughing at all the stupidness that occurs so by all means, do what you want as I will still be entertained even if all you do is snatch a person’s wig or grip onto someone’s hair for the longest period of time. Always do you boo😀


8) Biting

Weird...but it gets the job done I guess.


Closing Remarks...

  • Please leave the fighting stuff to the professional Boxers and Wrestlers.

  • It’s always better to walk away😀

Well, That's It Folks

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